Crooked Teeth Can Result In TMD

John William
2 min readNov 27, 2023

A misaligned bite can result in several dental health problems, such as abnormalities of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which refers to the jaw joint alone (TMD). Twelve percent of Americans suffer with TMJ issues at any given moment, making them a major segment of the population. It is interesting to note that women are more likely to be impacted than males; nine out of 10 women report having excruciating pain and limited jaw movement.

The condition of your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) determines how easily and freely you can move your jaw. Because it joins the mouth and skull, it is comfortable for you to chew, speak, and even yawn. Regrettably, some people have irritation or inflammation in their jaws due to a TMJ condition. Numerous symptoms, such as pain in the face and neck, trouble swallowing, facial swelling, and jaw cracking or clicking, may result from this and can be treated by Anthem General Dentist.

If you ignore TMJ condition for an extended length of time, your sporadic jaw pain may develop into a chronic problem. Your body needs assistance when it experiences brief pain. If you choose to ignore the warning signs, the major discomfort could quickly become chronic pain.

Temporomandibular disorders, or TMDs for short, are a group of illnesses that affect the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. Although TMJ specifically refers to the joint, TMD and TMJ are commonly used interchangeably. It is important to comprehend this differential when we talk about how biting misalignment affects TMJ/TMD.

Would you overlook a broken arm or leg and wait for it to heal itself? It is highly likely that you would get it examined and consent to a cast to prevent more damage while it heals. TMJ dysfunction is covered under this scenario. If you put off getting help, you run the risk of developing more joint irritation and injury.

An improperly aligned bite may be a factor in TMJ/TMD. An improperly positioned bite puts undue strain on the temporomandibular joints, which control movement of the jaw. These joints near your ears might not be able to perform as well as they should, which could result in several symptoms.

Headaches are another prevalent symptom of North Phoenix TMJ disease in addition to jaw pain. If you do not get treatment for your disease, things can get worse. Any problems with the joint can result in headaches since the TMJ connects the skull to the jaw and the surrounding muscles. If you do not take care of the joint, you will still get headaches.

An increasing frequency of TMJ/TMD symptoms in elderly people may be caused by age-related changes in the temporomandibular joint. In addition to degenerative changes in the cartilage of the joint, wear and tear over time can cause pain and dysfunction.



John William

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